About Us
Your Child Is in Great Hands

Our Programme
Our centre provides child-centred educational programmes.
The programming is based on observing children on a regular daycare basis, evaluating their needs and planning activities from these observations. We aim to develop programmes to meet the children’s needs and therefore enhance individual development. Programmes are evaluated on a regular basis and are founded on the guiding principles of Te Whāriki (copies on display) the Early Childhood Curriculum of the Ministry of Education.
Our practices reflect the multicultural heritage of our community, and emphasize non-gender stereotyped behaviour. We recognize that early childhood education facilitates the development of confidence, identity,
independence, and an interest in learning for our children. Indoor and outdoor experiences are an integral part of our programme and routine.
Play is central to children’s development by providing opportunities for both structured and spontaneous activities. Play is a child’s unique way to learn about their world. It is also a means of expressing knowledge from previous experience. Routines give children a sense of security, stability, encourage independence and develop valuable life skills.

We are extremely proud and excited to annouce that Rising Stars Henderson have received a Rito/ Bronze Healthy Heart Award from the Heart Foundation for the amazing things we do to promote healthy food and physical activities. We are helping our tamariki to have healthy habits and healthy hearts for life. Rising Stars Lynfield is also currently on this healthy journey to achieve this award.
Children are at that stage in life where their nutritional requirements are very important for their physical and cognitive development and hence we advocate a healthy eating childcare programme for your children in our care.
We are sensitive to your child's dietary needs and allergies. Our centre cook plans a nutritious, nut-free and appetizing weekly menu to provide age appropriate meals that caters to your children's dietary needs. Our weekly menu is available to parents on the notice board.

Monday – Friday
7.00 am – 5.30 pm
168 Lincoln Road, Henderson, Auckland (0610), New Zealand